The Supreme x Coleman CT200U Mini Bike Will in Fact Be Re Releasing Tomorrow
Another of Supreme's many oddly cool collaborations will re release tomorrow. The Supreme x Coleman CT200U Mini Bike caused waves when a few days ago news leaked of a possible re release. First thought to be exclusively available in stores only, we later found out it was the opposite and they will only be available online instead. Tipping the postal scales at 112 lbs. and nearly five-feet in length, this will probably be the most expensive package you will ever have shipped, (unless you're into buying those carved out Banksy pieces).
Once it arrives assembly will be required as the front wheel, both racks, both fenders and the handlebars are disconnected, needing approximately 45 mins. Next all you need is oil and gas (you can't mail these now can you) and you're ready to "Ride or Die". Good luck to all those who hope to win on one of these tomorrow.